Messaging for Mobile Apps (XMPP)

I've been looking around for a solution to messaging between devices since I'd like to experiment with creating a lite version of a game (Avatar) that I worked on in college as a learning experience. More about that at another time.

XMPP (Jabber) looks interesting. What's really attractive is that I may design the App with no server-side component with just message handling on the Internet. It's different since Avatar in college depended on shared memory (common) and only used a message queue for a portion of the game.

Here's video that got me started (Hulu developers):

Building Asynchronous Communication Layer w XMPP, Ruby, Javascript
by Andrew Carter and Steve Jang

And an interesting article:

And a JavaScript library to experiment with:

Jabber server to experiment with:

I've been working through the XMPP Professional Programming with JavaScript and jQuery book. (Jack Moffitt's Blogbook site, book forum, and Github with code.)

A very valuable link to know about relates to CORS and cross-domain security issues:

And root article on CORS:

Another interesting link -- covers configuration issues related to cross-domain:

Build a web-based notification tool with XMPP

Covered in the book -- more reading some day on the theory behind Google Docs multiple editors of a document: