Agile Project Management with Scrum (Book Summary)

For my Project Management Certificate at Rutgers I read and wrote a summary for Agile Project Management with Scrum by Ken Schwaber. The PMBOK Guide was the curriculum for the certificate course and I wanted to read up on Agile since we'd already been using some Agile-like procedures at Dolphin (1984-2005) developing software for educational publishers. The Project Management Institute (PMI) is in the process of adding an Agile credential and I would bet Agile will start to appear in future PMBOK Guide editions. Here is the book summary: Summary The book provides an overview of Scrum including the roles of project participants and the tools and techniques used. The author then tells a series of stories about successes and failures in organizations where he consulted on Scrum projects. I found the book to be a valuable contrast to the process heavy PMBOK curriculum that is the heart of the Project Management Course. I discuss at the end of this sum...